Admission Policy

Admission Policy

PIA Student Admission Policy


The Peaceville International Academy is a selective Christian co-educational full boarding school situated in Ogun State Nigeria.

As The Redeemed Christian Church of God continues to educate future leaders in most states of the federation, each educational setting is unique as it caters to varied clientele across board.

The academy will be offering a full British curriculum, giving the students the opportunity to write some International examinations after the five year stay and also pathways to further their education in other parts of the world and not exempting Nigeria.

Pupil admission will be determined strictly on academic merit based on performance in Peaceville International Academy entrance tests, interviews and previous school reports. The Admissions Policy will be clearly communicated to all prospective parents and applied openly and fairly at all times.

The Criteria for Initial Admission

Academic performance and potential ease of social integration, and siblings in school are key factors in the admissions decision. The decision to accept or not rests with the Executive Director and the SLT members, who are advised by senior managers and academic staff. Within the provisions of the Peaceville International Academy complaints procedure, parents may seek a review of a decision through a formal, written appeal to the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The school has a strict policy of placing children in year groups according to their date of birth, based on a September – August academic year.

Entrance tests, by Key Stage, are defined below. There will be a family interview with the Principal or the Head of School. At the family interview it is expected that both parents, as well as the Peaceville International Academy child/ren, will be in attendance. The perceived level of family support for a child will be an important factor in the admissions’ decision.

The school is committed to Christian values and it will be expected that parents will share these.

Entrance Tests by Key Stage for New Admissions

School SectionYearEntrance Test Papers
Key Stage 37-9CAT, English & Maths paper
Key Stage 410-11CAT, English & Maths paper

Peaceville International Academy is an academic school with academic selection criteria.

From Key Stage 2, Peaceville International Academy will accept children with the potential to achieve at least a IGCSE ‘C’ grade equivalent in English and maths entrance papers and Cognitive Abilities Test standardised age scores (SAS) of at least 110 (Stanines 5).

The School will consider all evidence provided by parents and previous schools taking into account the absence of prior knowledge (e.g. in maths) and English as a first language.

In such cases, conditional places may be awarded with specific improvement targets and time frames for their achievement. Parents are obliged to disclose any previous identified learning needs and/or disability during the Admissions process.

Previous SEND assessments will be requested and must be submitted with Peaceville International Academy’s application form. Parents should note that the presence of a learning need or disability does not necessarily mean a place will not be offered but the school must be informed so it can decide if the child will benefit from the curriculum offered by the school, including relevant support.

The School has a policy of not disclosing admissions’ test results. Reassessment of students may be possible within the same academic year.

The Criteria for Progression at Peaceville International Academy

It is emphasised that a school place is at all times conditional on academic performance. Where a child’s academic performance does not meet the expected standard, the school reserves the right to review the school place.

Progression from Year 6 to Year 7

Peaceville primary school pupils in Y6 of the Junior School will take assessments for admission to Year 7 of the Academy. The test will comprise: CAT, entrance papers in English and Maths. Peaceville primary school pupils are expected to achieve at least (C) grades in English and maths papers and CAT scores of 115 + (SAS).

The Management of School Places where there are Waiting Lists

School places will be offered on the basis of the date of registration as printed on the Peaceville International Academy Application Form. Priority will be given to siblings where possible.

If a place is offered to a parent from the waiting list and it is refused, the parent gives up any claim to a place in the future and would have to reapply.

If a parent is not able to take up a place offered, the Principal may or may not hold the place until the start of the next academic year. Alternatively, within the Autumn Term of the academic year, parents may reserve a place by paying fees for it. Where a place has been refused or where a student wishes to return to Peaceville International Academy, reapplication is required for diagnostic purposes. In all cases where parents are renewing an application or there needs to be a further assessment, registration fees will be charged to cover administrative costs.


Full details of current fee levels and further information are available on application to the Principal. The following points are emphasised:

Fees are to be paid in full, termly, in advance. New admissions fees are payable in the third week of May prior to the year of admission. New admissions fees include: admission* & supply and tuition fees.

Fees are payable in Naira.

There are no discounts on fees for reasons of special consideration.

Parents may elect to pay a year’s tuition fees in full in return for a 5% discount.

Parents may elect to pay several years fees in advance; a formal contract will be issued as acknowledgment. Figures will be calculated on the basis of current school fees and the scheme will offer benefits in real terms. Fees that are paid in advance will secure the school place of a child for a defined period, subject to his or her satisfactory academic performance and there be no significant issues regarding behaviour. In the case of academic or behaviour issues, the school fees paid for the outstanding period of the contract will be fully refunded.

Admissions Accountability

The Principal will furnish the Board of Directors with regular updates on school admissions; this will take the form of a status report on the current school roll along with information on the status of admissions. This will normally be issued under the auspices of the Education Sub-Committee. The school policy on admissions is clear and transparent; as such, it forbids any parent from making undue representations on behalf of another.


A half term written notice is required before withdrawing your child/ren from Peaceville International Academy, by means of filling in the “Peaceville International Academy Leavers’ Form”. The refundable deposit will thus be reimbursed in full. Failure to give due notice will result in the deduction of all tuition and other fees, relevant to that discrepant period of notice, from the refundable deposit held by the School.


Reservation of places may be considered upon payment of full tuition fees. Alternatively, pupil reinstatement to Peaceville International Academy will be subject to availability of places. Students returning to Peaceville International Academy after one year from withdrawal date have to sit an admissions assessment and pay the tuition fees. Students returning to Peaceville International Academy after two years or more will sit an admissions assessment and pay the admission fees, supply fees and refundable deposit.

Main Admissions Stages – General

#StageAction RequiredBy Whom
1Initial enquiry
Personal visit, email, letter, telephone
Issue of Package 1 See note 1 belowAdmissions Officer
2Receipt of application formAcknowledge parentAdmissions Officer
3Invitation to visit Peaceville International Academy parent confirmation: place is required.School tourAdmissions Officer
4Payment of registration fee by parent.Business officeBusiness office
5Entrance examinations and (where appropriate) Curriculum Support assessment.Papers set, issued & marked. Results to PrincipalAdmissions Office
6Visit to Peaceville International Academy School reports & other relevant documents to be broughtFormal interview with Principal or Head of School (parents + child)Principal
7ConsultationResults analysed with PrincipalPrincipal
8Results to parents (offer of place/waiting list/rejection)Principal
9Parents’ acceptanceInformation to Business Office Issue of Package 2 to parents See Note 2 belowAdmissions Officer
10Confirmation of SchoolNotification to Principal Notification to Business OfficeAdmissions Officer

Note 1: The Application Form needs to be submitted with two original copies of the birth certificate and the previous school report, references and all the other required documents. The Application Form must be signed by the person responsible for the applicant’s education. Its completion involves no commitment, financial or otherwise, towards the school at this stage.

Note 2: Package 2 is provided to parents on acceptance and contains a form to complete with full: student details, medical record, ID card, emergency details, school uniform, academic calendar, details of start of term and an invoice.